Friday, Oct 13, 2023 at 23h BE (17h BO)


1. A JC is an academic session where we go through a scientific article for 1 hour.
2. It takes place every Saturday.
3. Its purpose is to understand and discuss relevant elements about the content taking interactive and pedagogic notes (highlighting, underlining and using other learning resources) about the content.
4. We generate further appraisal, identify the opportunities of learning and formulate some potential research questions.
5. We write down the key-points of every session and publish them on our website
6. The article for the next session is posted one week in advance the must-read JC channel of our DISCORD server.

Thursday, Dec 8, 2023 at 23h BE (17h BO)


2023 CC - Prognostic value of capillary refill time in adult patients (Jacquet-Lagrèze) [srMA]
CRT = capillary refill time, ACF = acute circulatory failure, AE = adverse events. BS: brief scope,

1. 𝙄𝙉𝘼𝘼𝙌𝘾 ᴮᴼ BS: 2023, CC, ALL ➖ srMA ➕ 23 studies ➕ up to Feb 2022 ➖ PICO:
- P: G1 = ACF, G2 = ACF (‘at risk or confirmed’ for sOC)
- I: srMA
- C: NA
- O: pOC = MM ➖ sOC = MM or AE ➩ low prediction ➕ greater signal in High quality CRT
2. IN = PXS w_ACF (use of vasopressors 0R inotropes + ↓ perf) ➕ pxs AT RISK of ACF (CRT used as a triage method without restriction) ➕ AE (icu ADMISSION, long LOS ➕ scale Clavien-Dindo)

3. EX = animals ➕ not published in EN ➕ relationship CRT-prognosis NOT studied ➕ device use ➕ localized perfusion (free lap or ischemic limb)
4. They used MEDLINE, EMBASE, Google Scholar
5. They contacted the authors by email
6. High-quality CRT = standardized (mean of ≥2 CRT values) + stopwatch
7. CRT was predictive of death; pooled AUC = 0.663 (95%CI [0.591; 0.756]).
8. Pooled sensitivity = 54% (95%CI [43; 64])
9. Pooled specificity was 72% (95%CI [55; 84]).
10. Overall the CRT poorly predicted death or adverse events
11. CRT ➩ prognostic value remains low BUT comparable to lactate levels.
12. Accuracy is greater when high-quality CRT measurement is performed
13. Efforts should be focused on standardizing the technique in clinical practice.

1h10 in total

Friday, Dec 15, 2023 at 23h BE (17h BO)


2023 CC - Positive single-center randomized trials and subsequent multicenter randomized trials in CIpxs (kotani) [sr]

RCT: randomized controlled trial, SL: strengths & limitations, CC: critical care, sRCT: single-center RCT, mRCT: multi center RCT, GL: guidelines, SS: survival, MM: mortality, J: justification, stSIG: statistically significant.
1. 𝙄𝙉𝘼𝘼𝙌𝘾 ᴮᴼ brief scope: Y, J, C ➖ T ➕ N ➕ t ➖ PICO:
2. 2023, CC, IT-AUS ➖ sr ➕ 19 RCT ➕ up to Dic 31, 2016 ➖ PICO:
a. P: CIpxs
b. I: various (sRCT w_⊕SS)
c. C: various
d. O: statistically significant MM
3. R ➩ 16 sRCT = 16 mRCT ➩ 1 mRCT ⊕ ➕ 14 mRCT NEUTRAL ➕ 1 mRCT ⊖
4. IN: stat. Significant + >48h ➕ PubMed (NEJM, JAMA, LANCET)
5. sOC: Careful with GL: 19 sRCT = 14 GL ➩ 6 USE ➕ 2 INSUF. EVIDENCE ➕ 6 CONTRAINDICATED

6.sRCTs was rarely confirmed by mRCT in ICU settings.

7. SL:
a. S: 1st to identify sRCT w_stsig ↓ MM
b. S: Novel approach to evaluate impact on GL
c. L: Just in ICU, not translated to other disciplines
d. L: Published until 2016, recent excluded
e. J: median duration between sRCT and mRCT publication was 8 years,
f. L: Specialty journals were excluded
g. L: Small number of studies
h. L: Confined to international GL
8. sRCTs need to be perceived as hypothesis-generating
9. Clinicians should be cautious in altering routine clinical practices until well-conducted multicenter randomized trials are available.

10. Careful with RECOMMENDATION based on SOLELY ⊕ sRCTs


42:10:10 in total 
Round: 6  00:02:96 Final
Round: 5  04:37:34 Final notes
Round: 4  20:41:18 Conclusions + wrap-up
Round: 3  07:04:24 Images + tables
Round: 2  09:28:78 Structure
Round: 1  00:15:57 45 min ➩ article overview

Friday, Dec 22, 2023 at 23h BE (17h BO)


2023 CC - Prognostic value of capillary refill time in adult patients (Jacquet-Lagrèze) [srMA]

1. 𝙄𝙉𝘼𝘼𝙌𝘾 ᴮᴼ brief scope: Y, J, C ➖ T ➕ N ➕ t ➖ PICO:
2. 2023, NEJM, CH ➖ srMA ➕ 38 RCT (>2500px) ➕ to Oct, 2022 ➖ PICO
a. P: CI pxs w_AKI
b. I: AC options for RRT
c. C: various
d. O: RCA more effective in PROLONGING filter lifespan + ↓ r_BLEEDING
e. R ➩ regional UFH + PGI2 outperformed RCA + others (OC: prolonging lifespan) ➕ no statSIG in: ICU LOS, allMM, d_CRRT, recovery KIDNEY function, advEVE, COSTS
3. The SUCRA analysis and forest plot of Regional-UFH + PGI2 are limited, as only a single study was included
4. IN
a. A. RCT w_pharma antiCOAG.
b. B. OCs: filter lifespan or clotting occurrence + allMM + H+ & ICU LOS + d_CRRT + recovKIDNEY function + ADVeve + costs
c. C. RRs + MDs + 95CIs
5. EX
a. No relevant data
b. Conference abstracts
c. Nonhuman studies, pediatrics
d. Dialysis before ICU
e. Same antiCOAG drug
6. Included in qualitative synthesis = 37 of 38 trials
7. UFH + PGI2 was a single center study (Australia)
8. COSTS ➩ only 4 RCTs reported cost-effectiveness ➕ Gao, et al = RCA < no AC (slightly lower) ➕ Schilder et al = RCA < UFH (slightly lower) = RCA was found to prolong filter lifespan, which resulted in an economic benefit ➕ Fealy et al = gain in circuit life did not OFFSET/compensated the COST of citrate. ➕ Joannidis 🆚 Reeves et al = LMWH costs less and more, respectively. (contradictory)
9. C ➩ Between the RCA and UFH groups, RCA is the priority anticoagulant in prolonging filter lifespan and reduc- ing the risk of bleeding.

01:41:57 in total
Round: 5  18:45:00 Conclusions + wrap-up
Round: 4  16:14:84 Images
Round: 3  36:32:91 Subtitles & paragraphs
Round: 2  22:53:76 Article overview
Round: 1  07:31:45 Refresh

General Glossary

RCT = randomized controlled trial; MA = metaanalisis; sr = systematic review; DX = diagnosis; inc_ = incident; w_ = with; wo_ = without; pxs = patients; EX = exclusion; IN = inclusion; ↗️ = improve; ↘️ = worsen; ↑ = increase; ↓ = decrease; 𝙄𝙌𝘾 BS = 𝙄𝙉𝘼𝘼𝙌𝘾 ᴮᴼ brief scope = year (Y), journal (J), country (C) ➖ type of study (T) ➕ number of patients/sample (N) ➕ time (t) ➖ population (P), intervention (I), comparison (C), outcome (O, OC);    p = primary; s = secondary; critILL = critically ill

Journal CLUBS

October, 2023

2023 CC - Incidence, microbiological and immunological characteristics of VAP assessed by bronchoalveolar lavage in C19 patients, CoV-AP study (mangioni) [R] 

MV: mechanically ventilated; sVAP: suspected VAP; ETA: endotracheal aspirates; BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage; CARDS: C19 induced ARDS; rx: radiology; PB: peripheral blood; CAPA: C19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis; BSI: blood stream infections; IR: incidence rate.

1. Immune biomarkers to rule-in/rule-out VAP diagnosis, although promising, have not yet been validated
2. VAP incidence = 5-40%
3. No univocal gold standard DX ALGORYTHM
4. GL: microBIOL dx ➩ either ETA or BAL ➩ still debated
5. ETA = simple and less expensive 🆚 BAL = larger analyses and higher specificity
6. CARDS made VAP dx + tto ↗️ challenging, reasons:
   - ↑ VAP incidence
   - Impact on VAP DX PARAMETERS (clinical, labs, rx)
7. 𝙄𝙉𝘼𝘼𝙌𝘾 ᴮᴼ brief scope ➩ 2023, CC, IT ➖ pros_singleC_COH ➕ 79 ➕ t ➖ PICO:
   - P: C19 MV
   - I: microbiological confirmation of sVAP based on ETA + BAL
   - C: conventional & fast microBIOL (BAL fappp) + immunological markers
   - O: concordance
8. EX = <18yo, MV ≤48h (total length), MV >48h (at enrollment), no clinical docs
9. sVAP 🟰 new or progressive rx infiltrates ➕ minimum 2 between 🤒 >38ºC ➕ ↑ WBC > 10.8 or ↓ WBC <4.8 ➕ pur_TBsecret ➕ 🫁 deterioration
10. microBIO confirmation (CFU/mL) 🟰 ≥105 for ETA ➕ ≥104 for BAL
11. Organisms:
   - Insignificant = Coagulase-negative staph, enterococci and Candida
   - Significant = Aspergillus due to CAPA risk
   - BAL fappp = 104 copies/mL
   - MDROs = [R] minimun 1 agent in ≥3 categories OR Specific ATB [R]: methicillin-[R] Staph, ESBL/carbape-produc Enterobacterales
   - sec_BSI (CDC-NHSN) = Secondary BSI attribution period
   - Discrepancies = Case-by-case clinical decisions (confrontation)
   - Not considered = Immunological analysis on BAL and PB
12. Results:
   - MV duration = sVAP 24 🆚 no-sVAP 7.5 (p<0.001)
   - ICU MM = sVAP 40.8% 🆚 no-sVAP 20% (p=0.056)
   - VAP proportion = ETA 44% 🆚 BAL 34%
   - VAP incidence rate (IR) = ETA 33.2/1000 MV days 🆚 BAL 20.1/1000 MV days
   - ETA + VAL (concordant) = ⊕ 49% 🆚 ⊖ 22.4%
   - Discordant in 22.4% = ⊕ ETA 🆚 ⊖ BAL
   - Discordant in 6.1% = ⊕ BAL 🆚 ⊖ ETA
13. With BAL as REF STANDARD ➩ ETA = S 89% & E 50% (fair agreement Cohen’s Kappa 0.4)
14. Microbial concordance (Cohen’s Kappa):
   - S. aureus = 0.73 (ETA 🆚 BAL) ➖ 0.7 (BAL fappp 🆚 BAL)
   - P. aeruginosa = 0.67 (ETA 🆚 BAL) ➖0.74 (BAL fappp 🆚 BAL)
15. Cohen suggested the Kappa result be interpreted as follows: values ≤ 0 as indicating no agreement and 0.01–0.20 as none to slight, 0.21–0.40 as fair, 0.41– 0.60 as moderate, 0.61–0.80 as substantial, and 0.81–1.00 as almost perfect agreement
16. In BAL: VAP neutrophils were higher (85 🆚 67%, p=0.01) ➕ lymphocytes-monocytes were lower (L 2 🆚 7% p=0.03; M 5 🆚 9% p=0.03)… of course compared to no-VAP pxs

1h10 in total

December, 2023