1. A JR is an academic session where we go through some articles previously codified/labeled, for 45-60 min.
2. The articles are selected during the session based on the participants interests and backgrounds.
3. Its purpose is to understand and discuss relevant content elements applying systematized note-taking methodologies.
4. We generate discussion and recall pivotal concepts about different topics, all pertinent to our clinical practice.
5. We write down the key points of every session and publish them on our website.
6. In the following session we briefly recall the key-points from the previous JR, applying the 'reinforcing technique’.
7. Check out our calendar and see you in the DISCORD server.
2023 NEJM - Early Restrictive or Liberal Fluid mm for Sepsis-Induced Hypotension (Shapiro) [R].pdf
VP: vasopressors; AE: adverse events
1. CLOVERS ➩ 2023, NEJM, USA ➖ mc_unB_RCT ✚ >1.5k (±780 vs ±780) ✚ 24h protocol ➖ PICO:
- P = septic COPD
- I = restrictive fluid strategy
- C = liberal fluid strategy
- O = acMM90 before discharge home ➩ same (14% vs 14.9%, p=0.61)
2. Restrictive ➩ prioritizing VP + lower volumes
3. Liberal ➩ prioritizing ↑ vol of 💉 fluids BEFORE VP use
4. Volumes
- Restrictive -2318
- Liberal -1949
5. sOC = safety ➩ serious AE = SIMILAR
6. Early recognition of S• + ↓TA ± SØ ➩ need of prompt action
7. Large VOL is common practice but is_low-quality evidence
8. OBS (2016 ICM, CLASSIC – 2011 NEJM, MM in African children – 2015 CC, preload dependence SS•)
9. FIG 1 ➩ pictures the study protocol
10. The data and safety monitoring board recommended the halting of the trial for futility at the second interim analysis
Round: 3 12:24:35 comments
Round: 2 18:10:99 urgART
Round: 1 10:51:51 Refresh
Wednesday, Feb 1, 2023 at 18h30 BO
❗️REFRESH: last Wednesday JR
Round: 4 02:53:68 Comments
Round: 3 47:55:53 urgART
Round: 2 01:15:40 Comment
Round: 1 08:03:43 Refresh
Thursday, Feb 2, 2023 at 18h30 BO
❗️REFRESH: last Thursday JR
Thursday, Aug 17, 2023 at 23h15 BE (18h30 BO)
CLD = chronic liver disease, Y, J, C ➖ T + N + t ➖ PICO2023,
1. 2023, JAMA, USA ➖ OBS ➕ >9.5k ➕21y ➖ PICO:
P⃣ postMenop ♀
I⃣ sugar-sweetened drinks (ssd) DAILY
C⃣ ssd 3x MONTHLY
O⃣ pOC = liver CA ➩ 85% ↗️ 🫃🏽 ➖ sOC = liverMM ➩ 68% ↗️
2. New dietary factors identified (etiology + primPreven)
3. Food frequency questionnaire (ffq) was used
4. 207 liver CA + 148 MM from CLD
5. Risk for liver cancer (11.8 vs. 10.2 per 100,000 per years; aHR = 1.17; 95% CI, 0.7-1.94) 6. Risk of chronic liver disease mortality (7.1 vs. 5.3 per 100,000 person-years; aHR = 0.9 95% CI, 0.49-1.84).
Round: 4 03:23:42 Conclusions
Round: 3 21:56:74 Notes & analysis
Round: 2 10:31:12 HEALIO sugar-sweetened beverages
Round: 1 05:07:08 Intro, refresh
Thursday, Aug 31, 2023 at 23h15 BE (18h30 BO)
2023 HEALIO - FDA panel recommends USG renal denervation device for uncontrolled HTA (FDA).pdf
1. Renal denervation works for uncontrolled HTA
2. There are concerns about their durability (long-term effects)
3. Beneficial for SHORT-TERM
5. Panelists were interviewed:
- Heterogeneity
- Small effect size
- Novel mechanism
- Wording not clearly defined
- Safe
- Low risk
6. Fisher (ReCor) ➩ works for pxs who cannot take pills (tolerance) + supple-ment to medical therapy
7. ADVICE of panelists:
- Mention pxs antiHTA meds before + after
- Age
- Race
- ABPM ambulatory…
Round: 3 07:58:27 continue
Round: 2 00:22:44 pause
Round: 1 24:14:41 NEJMjw - HEALIO
Monday, Sep 18, 2023 at 23h15 BE (18h15 BO)
2023 HEALIO - Global lead exposure greater CVD risk factor than smoking, cholesterol (Lancet)
LE: lead exposure, IQ = intelligence quotient, Rf = risk factor, LIC = low-income countries, MIC = middle-income countries
1. LE provoke 5.5M deaths indirectly through CVD (World Bank 2019)
2. In kids <5yo ➩ ↓ IQ points in 765M ➩ less work force entry (IQ limitations)
3. Published in The Lancet Planetary Health
4. Top of the list of environmental health rf
5. Equivalent loss of 6.9% of the global gross domestic product:
a. 77% due to MM
b. 23% due to future IQ-related income losses
6. Sources are not understood in LIC & MIC ➩ include: lead acid battery recycling, metal mining, food, soil and dust, water, leaded paint, cookware from recycled materials, lead-glazed pottery and ceramics, spices, toys, cosmetics, electronic waste, fertilizers and cultured fish feed.
2023 ICUmmp - Triage Procedures for CC Resources (JAMA)1. 2023, JAMA, USA (Columbia + Puerto Rico) ➖ retros + 32 w_detailed triage procedures + till June 2023 ➖ PICO:
a. all triage procedures (pandemic plans)
b. network revision
c. no
d. pOC: prevalence comorbidities + their function in triage (duration of
postSS discharge) ➩ most plans RESTRICTED access to ‘scarce critical
care resources’
2. 20/32 lists of coMORB, 11/32 excluding or deprioritizing pxs ➩ 21/32 took predSS beyond H+ discharge.
3. Concerns about HC access ↗️ specially d_health emergency, affected situations:
a. Chronic diseases
b. Disabilities
c. Marginalized racial and ethnic communities
Round: 6 09:31:90 JR wrap-up database
Round: 5 11:21:39 Wrap-up
Round: 4 07:39:53 Triage procedures in CC
Round: 3 07:28:61 wrap-up
Round: 2 00:03:58 test
Round: 1 01:16:85 + 26min ➩ Double check in Medscape
Thursday, Sep 21, 2023 at 23h15 BE (18h30 BO)
2023 NEJMjw - Pyuria Doesn't Necessarily Indicate Infection (CID)
WBC: white blood cells; UTI: urinary tract infections
1. 2023, Clin Infect Dis, NL ➖ case control + 63 🆚 101 + t (–) ➖ PICO:
- P: UTI older women.
- I: observation
- C: asymptomatic older women
- O: pOC = urinary WBC, sOC =
2. NONE catheterized or w_cognitive impairment
3. Older women = ≥65yo
4. Spun urine sediment in UTI = 900 cell/uL5. Spun urine sediment in CONTROLS = 300 cell/uL ➩ pyuria among CONTROLS was considerably HIGHER than anticipated6. New “normal” values might be needed for OLDER women
2023 NEJMjw - Perioperative Glycemic Control in pxs with Diabetes (CDSR)
CoE = Certainty of Evidence
1. 2023, Cochrane DB sr, C (-) ➖ srMA + 20 RCT = >2500 pxs + t (-) ➖ PICO:
- P: DM while surgery
- I: tight control
- C: not tight control - O: pOC = MM OR INF complic OR H+LOS
➩ same pOC
➩ ↗️ hypoGLU ↗️ severe hypoGLU in “I”
2. R = Intensive control MIGHT NOT BE NECESSARY in DM d_major Qx
3. IN = major (non)🫀 Qx + GLU interventions + ≠ algorithms
4. OC ➩ MM = 10 🆚 9% ➖ INF compl = 13 🆚 18% ➖ H+LOS =
5. Intensive ➩ ↘️ advCV events (11 🆚 13%) ➖ ↗️ hypoGLU (12 🆚 3%)↗️ severe hypoGLU in “I” (4 🆚 0.6%)
6. MM ➩ only w_highCoE
7. Dressler: “seems reasonable to permit higher GLU levels wo_adverseOC affection”
8. CAVEAT: varying DEF ➕ varying DUR
Round: 6 03:08:78 Main database filling
Round: 5 13:10:21 Wrap-up
Round: 4 00:00:04 mistake
Round: 3 06:07:92 Perioperative GLU control
Round: 2 13:58:13 Wrap-up
Round: 1 08:49:55 Pyuria & INF